Recently, I ‘ve watched the video
of Ed Helms Giving Knox 2013 Commencement Address. This speech is short yet
powerful and inspiring. In addition to his great sense of humor, I like the
idea he tried to convey. Mainly, he talked about fear. In the beginning, he
said “Fear is good.” Hearing this, my mind was filled with confusion and
curiosity. Why is fear good to us? Because of fear of failure, I step away from
trying, refuse to make decisions. Then why is fear good to us? After his
explanation, I knew I view fear in the wrong way: viewing fear as a feeling and
emotion; as a result, I was affected emotionally. However, we actually have better
choice to get along with our fear.
“All of that is to say, that fear of known physical danger is obviously warranted and needn't be questioned or overthought. But that other kind of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear that shuts down action without any real explanation. When you feel that fear, let it be a trigger for curiosity.”
“We should
look at our fear not as a reason to avoid the things that frighten us, but as a
reason to engage them.”
Ed Helm shared his story with
graduates. When he was little, he dreamed to be a comedian and make great
comedies. To pave the way for this dream, he started as a film editor assistant
to make money. Although he encountered with many challenges, he made through it
and even became an expert in that fields. However, when he finally got the
chance to pursue the position he really dreamed of (comedian), he hanged back
and started questioning himself out of fear. I think I can totally understand him.
In front of the opportunity of what we truly like or long for, the more fear
come to us because we are so afraid of screwing up our dream. As Ed mentioned “It
hit me like a rock. Looking deeper into my fear revealed something I truly
wanted.”, I think that is also what I exactly fear for. “When you fail at the
thing you love, it isn't on the outside of you like dirt or spilled mayonnaise.”
Since I planned for so long and worked so hard to get to NTUST, since here is
where I had been dreamed about, I am so afraid of screwing this up that I chose
to step back, not to make decisions; but in fact, I know, I am only escaping
and not solving problems and only making me more ignorant. Rather than escaping
from the problems, Ed talked to himself, talked to his fear. And he realized
that if
you let it, fear can become a kind of spirit guide on your path to a successful
life because fear is a sign for us to identify our weaknesses, room for
improvements; and if we could take it as our guide, it would make us stronger,
lead us to success.
“When you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self.”
When facing fear, maybe I am still
not brave enough; nevertheless, I realized I have different choices get along
with it and expect to stopped running away from the opportunity to be my best
possible self and even take it as my guide in the future.
tension will always be there, but so long as your desire to explore is greater
than your desire to not screw up, you're on the right track. A life oriented
toward discovery is infinitely more rewarding than a life oriented toward not
blowing it.”