Discover Myself
For the past five days, I've been thinking so much about what can help me to discover the inner self, and to get myself better than before. As I read through some books in the school's library and listened to the songs that were playing on my phone, I had a thought. People say that one's personality can be seen in little details, I wonder if I go through all the things that are on my phone, would I be able to find something amazing about myself that I have no idea about before?
I found a place and sat down right away, and one by one I checked the apps that are installed on my phone. I quickly scan
through the songs that are playing on my list. I figured that I organized my songs in detail. For example, I divided the song into two parts: instrument music and songs with languages. Under the language, I have English, Mandarin, Japanese and others. Inside each category of language, I separated the songs again by the tempo of the songs then followed by the style of the songs. I wasn't surprised at all - in fact, the detailed organization is expected in my mind. I always have my way of organization, things have to be some sort of way (which I want them to be) or I will not feel comfortable whenever I see it. Another example of this "crazily detailed organize" habit of mine is the way I store my make-ups and skin care products. Personally, I don't have much make-ups stuff, but I do have lots of bottles when it comes to skin care products. They all come with all kinds of sizes, and I really enjoy making them stand in lines and it has to be in the order of tallest in the back and shortest on the front. Usually, I'll have the ones that I favored on the right side of the shelf, the reason for this is very simple - I'm right-handed so it is easier for me to grab things that I need.
When I looked at my wallpaper (on the phone), I realized that I haven't change it for a very long time - around a year I suppose. Also with my app layout, it doesn't seem to change much from the very first day I got my phone. I don't like changes. I'm not used to a sudden change in anything that I know - my living surroundings, the food I eat, the care product that I use... anything. If it has to change, then I would take baby steps to change it slowly. I'm scared of changes; I hate the thoughts that I have to re-do everything and get used to the new things again. I just feel like living in my bubble, without worrying too much of life.
I also kept my app layout simple, it made me think of myself. I'm a very simple person, I don't like to be complicated. Life is already complex, why should I make it worst? There's definitely no deeper meaning behind my words; I meant what I said. I understand sometimes you have to rounded up your words so you wouldn't hurt anyone, but if you rounded up too much, the person you were talking to may take things even worst then you could image. So I rather put my thoughts straight on the words and be mindful of the words that I chose. So far, I keep myself honest to stay out of troubles. Most causes of problems are lies. And I don't want to be one of those people who messed up their life without knowing it.
So, to sum up, I learned my personality through the apps on my phone. I'm a very simple person who is honest with her words and tries her best to stay out of troubles. I dislike the feeling of needing a change or have to experience a change. I'm a super crazy organize person at certain areas, and I like to be living inside my personal bubble.