Ned was still looking for the clues of Lord Arryn's death, and he had paid a visit to a black smith in King's Landing. After a series of chatting, he finally asked the question straightly. And the black smith of course had answered him that the purpose of Lord Arryn to came there was to find a boy, a boy looked not ordinary. His name is Gendry, and Ned asked the black smith if there was somebody paying daily expanse for the boy. Finally, the black smith admitted, then Ned left with joy and curiosity. Why would Jon Arryn risked his life to find this bastard son of the king's?
Meanwhile on the kingsraod, Catelyn and Ser Roderick was seeking for a place to rest, but Ser Roderick afraid that she would be recognized. On their way to the inn, they encountered a group of knights, among them was a lord that had attended her wedding feast, however, he did not recognize her. According to this, they were relieved that they may not be noticed in the inn. After they changed their clothes to the dry ones, they went down stairs to enjoy their meals. Suddenly, a half man came in, and to their surprise, it was Tyrion Lannister. When she was recognized by Tyrion, she asked those bannermen in the inn to fight for her, for she did not want to risk any chance to let the Lannister know that she was once at the King's Landing. No sooner, Tyrion was taken as hostage.
I appreciate Gendry very much, for he has the character that he will never do anything that is going to ruin his self esteem in order to please others. What's more, even in front of a high born Lord, he can still be himself, perhaps that was because he was too naive to afraid of death, or he really did not want to betray himself to flatter or compromise with others. This kind of people is the kind that I would like to make friend with, instead, I don't like people that will always compliment you without pointing out your flaw, since they worry that it will cause quarrels between you and them.
I was kind of pitying the Imp for he's not a bad person, but due to his family's name and the scheme that had made him the murderer, he was wanted by Catelyn. This kind of plot is playing in our daily life every moment, good people are always perceived as villains for some nonsense. And bad people are too skillful to be unveiled, so some fools tend to trust this devils not knowing that someday they may be sacrificed to fulfill these fake angels' own desires.