Prince Caspian is the fourth book of Narnia series. This book is mainly
talking about four children, Peter, Susan, Edward, and Lucy, went back to
Narnia again. But, they found that everything was changed because they had left
for more than one thousand years. They even found that the castle they used to
live in the old Narnia became a ruin. After that, they saved a dwarf who was
kidnapped by the bad soldiers of Miraz who was the king of Narnia now. Then,
the dwarf told them the present situation of the Narnia in order to thank for
their help. Now, Narnia was ruled by Miraz whose ancestor had invaded and
governed Narnia. Miraz’s nephew, prince Caspian, was the first successor in
this kingdom. However, prince Caspian’s aunt gave birth to a son, which means
that Miraz had a successor so he want to kill prince Caspian who was the first
priority in order to let his son become the king after he abdicated. As a
result, prince Caspian ran to the forest to take shelter. Surprisingly, he met
the animals which could talk. After avoiding being murdered by Miraz, price
Caspian blew the magic horn of Queen Susan to call for a strong help, which was
the main reason why the four children came back to the Narnia. Prince Caspian
also asked the old Narnia people for help. These old Narnia people, of course,
agreed to lend him a hand and viewed prince Caspian as the king of the Narnia
who would lead them to defeat Miraz and would return Narnia into Golden Age
After the dwarf told the four children the present story, they decided
to help prince Caspian so they set off to find Caspian. They crossed the
mountains and the rivers. Finally, they found prince Caspian, and they also met
Aslan, who is a lion and the king of the old Narnia. Prince Caspian and these
four children began to think how to fight with Miraz. After discussing for a
long time, they decided that Peter fight with Miraz individually. Miraz accepted
the battle. Peter and Miraz began to battle. They fought so hard and fought for
such a long time that they still couldn’t know whom to win the battle. At the
end of the battle, Peter won it, but Miraz escaped and asked his army to
assault Prince Caspian and his people. As a result, the battle turned into the
war. At this time, Aslan showed up and used his magical power to defeat Miraz’s
army. Then, prince Caspian won the war.
I read this book, I think that this book is as amazing as the movie. Moreover,
it has more details that the movie doesn’t mention. Among these characters, I still
love Lucy the most because she is so innocent and brave. She always believes that
Narnia and Aslan do exist. That it also the reason why Aslan loves her so much
and always gives Lucy something important to do.