2016年10月24日 星期一

LOG #3

I’m sorry for being late. I wronged the deadline.

After heading south for about 60 pages (seems like almost a year in the novel), the father and the son finally encountered other human beings. After having a conversation, the father discovered that they’re not good guys. The instinct of father exploded.

The first ever action scene amazed me. Sentences like “He was a big man but he was very quick. He dove and grabbed the boy and rolled and came up holding him against his chest with the knife at his throat.” If there wasn’t the sentence “he was a big man but he was very quick”, audiences would probably only imagine the actions that the bad guy done, but with this line, all the actions seemed like be done in a flash.

If I was the father, what would I do? The father in the story “had already dropped to the ground and he swung with him and leveled the pistol and fired from a two-handed position balanced on both knees at a distance of six feet”. Jesus! The father shot the bad guy while the bad guy was still grabbing he’s own son at a distance of six feet! Though six feet is not a long distance, I wouldn’t dare taking that shot instantly. What if I shot my son? The father must have a great confidence that I don’t have.

The biggest problem I face is the lack of confidence. Growing up, I’ve been told to make things perfect. So, when I encounter something that not good, I criticize. But every time I criticize, I’m slowly killing my own confidence. And end up becoming afraid of being criticized. Too much self-expectation made me not willing to present myself. I’m trying to improve myself, but can I make it? Maybe the father in the novel can teach me.

