Name of the book: Silver Linings Playbook
Roonie, one of
Pat’s best friend, finally came to visit him. Speaking of Roomie, Pat is kind
of upset since Roonie didn’t ever go to visit him when he was in mental
hospital. When Pat heard Roomie said “I’m on my way home, so I only have a few
minutes.”, Pat knew that Roomie’s wife, Veronica didn’t know Roonie’s visiting.
When some situation happens or things go wrong, it is really hard and so
depressed to realized that who you see as best friends doesn’t really care
about you so much like you do. Pat might have been waited Roonie to visit him
in bad place for so long, and the result turned out to be that Pat never seen
Roonie once. I felt sad when read this. I do because I think best friends are
supposed to be those who you can share life’s ups and downs with.
Based on Dr. Patel’s
suggestion, Pat did wear eagle jersey to the dinner party. It is quite funny
having problems choosing outfit to wear to the dinner. Well, I actually have
this problem as well. The differences between Pat and me are that Pat doesn’t
know which clothes to choose because of Veronica’s fussy, and I just have
problems of making decision. Also, I am really curious about why Pat hates
Kenny G so much. I guess it must have some relation to Nikki or apart time. Every
time when Pat speaks of Nikki in the book, the words Pat uses to describe Nikki
are really beautiful. I can feel how much Pat loves Nikki and cares about her
only by reading the words, which is romantic. It seems that Pat is getting
better than before. He not only practices being kind but also tries hard to
control his temper. It is good and happy for reader to see his growth
..."I guess it must have some relation to Nikki or apart time"
回覆刪除I wish I understood what you were trying to say...