“IU can capture the whole world by her appearance, but she chooses to amaze by
talents.” I don't have such charming appearance to stand out, and talents? I don't think so. Recently, I have read a bibliographic essay of IU, a famous
Korean singer and actress. As an expression goes, "One minute on the
stage, ten years of practice off the stage." As we envy the artists, the
entertainers, the celebrities, for they can earn so much money, for
they can capture people hearts and breath so easily, do we think of how much
hard work they have made? How much time and sweat they have sacrificed? Then, I
think of myself. I am already a twenty-year-old college student. As I have free
time, I either sleep or fool around. I don’t know what to do, or even what I
like to do? To be honest, I am not so sure whether I want the career I chose on
writing class. Like drowning in the sea, I randomly grasped whatever I saw that
it might have the possibility to pull me up. I was thankful, but I didn’t know
if I showed my gratitude to the right one (either it is the right career or it
just save me from the class). Two days ago, I watched a movie named The Bucket
List (2007). After watching the movie, I was totally touched. Then, I realized
that the message it carries is no one can go back and start over, but anyone
can start now. Maybe it’s time for me to do something truly for myself but not for
parents or teachers. Who am I? Well, I am not going to start over finding. I'm going to start from now focusing on what I love and who I am. Stop fooling around but doing something that can practically contribute to my future.