Book: The Fault in Our
Author: John Green
Page: P.114 – P.218(C8 –

and Augustus have good feelings towards each other. She recommended him a novel
called The Imperial Affliction, and
then they decide to pay a visit to the author together to know the unpublished ending
of the novel. Although Hazel’s health condition is not suitable to go abroad
visiting the author, she in the end successfully sets forth on the journey with
Augustus and her mother. However, the author is not like the person she
expects, and thus she is disappointed….
really admire Hazel as a brave person who has courage to pursue what she wants.
Her health condition is not desirable for her to go traveling abroad, but she
doesn’t give up and still wants to accomplish her dream. If I were her, if I
had cancer, I think I might hold myself back from going for the thing I am
eager for. In addition to Hazel’s own determination, I think her family’s
support is also a great helping hand for her to step forward. Worried as Hazel’s
parents are about her health condition, finally they still decide to support
her decision because they love her very much and want her to lead the life she
wants. I think parents’ support is really important for every decision we
children make. If my parents don’t back me up on what I decide to do, I will
feel that there is great obstacle ahead and feel powerless. On the contrary, with
their support, when I run into something difficult, I will recall that someone
is with me unconditionally and regain my nerve soon. Thus, I think personal
determination and parents’ support are all crucial to pursuing things we want.
like the words Augustus said to Hazel, “You are so busy being you that you have
no idea how utterly unprecedented you are.” These words convey a great
concept—being ourselves. We don’t need to change the way we originally are to cater
to other’s expectations. We just have to be sincere and be ourselves, and this
kind of true persons are the most attractive. These words also make me recall a
phrase I once heard from an ad, “You are more beautiful than you think.” Often,
we only see our shortcomings and think others are better than us. We are
unaware that we are actually as beautiful as others as well. Therefore, I think
we should not pick on our imperfection and should embrace every part of us.
After all, every man has his demerits and merits.