2016年12月11日 星期日

Log #6

Book: Go Set a Wathman
Author: Harper Lee

From page 25 to 81, we know more about the personality of Jean Louise and her family. Through the dialogue, it’s obvious to see the conflict between Jean Louise and her aunt, Alexandra.

        When Jean Louise quarreled with Alexandra about whether Henry is a fine man to marry, the author used different aspect to describe their thoughts. At first, I accepted the view of Jean Louise by reading her thought, and I totally opposed what Alexandra had said. Interestingly, when I started to read Alexandra’s thought in the following pages, I was convinced by her this time. After realizing what happened to me, I suddenly found out how amazing the author had done by describing two different, opposed positions with equal justification to support. Then, I start to doubt myself. If I can accept the view I opposed in the beginning and even be convinced through realizing it more, will it be able to make the world less tragedies?

We all know that there are lots of disputes around the world. Some may even have a fight with each other because of a strong feeling of disagreement. However, if we can make them sit down and discuss in-depth with each, to let them realize the others more just like what the author had done to me, maybe the society will be more tolerable and peaceful.

