Book: The Fault in Our
Author: John Green
Page: P.219 – P.313(finished)

During the days Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam, Augustus confesses
that his cancer has recurred. Unfortunately, after they return to their country,
his health condition worsens sharply. His illness doesn’t become better even
after he receives treatment in the hospital, and in the end, he still passes
I think the ending of this book is totally gut-wrenching. In
the very beginning of this novel, “death” has already been the issue talked
about. However, I find it much more hurtful to know that Augustus really dies
eventually. I also find that “death” gives me different reflections when I read
the part Hazel and Augustus talk about it and the part Hazel truly experiences
the pain of losing her beloved one. Two weeks ago, when I read the part they
talk about death, the main things I thought about was the importance of living
in the moment and being brave to go for what we want to accomplish. Since death
is inevitable, and perhaps it will happen in the next moment, we should cherish
the time we still have now. Nonetheless, as I read the love story between Hazel
and Augustus and know their deep love for each other, “death” has become an
even more weighty issue. Now I think that death is unavoidable
and that no one can know how long they still can live. Thus, we should seize
every moment and cherish everyone around us, especially the ones loving us and
we love.
Although I feel very sorry that Hazel can’t
have a happy ending with the person she loves in the end, I still consider it worthwhile
that she meets Augustus. I think in this way because, in my opinion, it is very
hard to find a worth person who she loves and loves her very much, and who she
can grow up and become better with. Therefore, although Hazel’s love for
Augustus and his leaving eventually bring scar to her, I think still she will
not regret falling in love with him.