Jean Louise, her aunt, her father, and Henry were at the Finch's house. They were chatting, and after Henry left Jean had a conversation of her marriage with her aunt. Her aunt played an opposite role to disapprove Jean to marry Henry. Her aunt used a series of description to say that the essence of Henry's family wouldn't be washed out from him even he was raised by Jean's father. She said that he was a "trash" from the moment he was born until he rests in the coffin. However, Jean hold a different view of Henry. She thought Henry was a decent young man, with good characteristics. That night, Henry took her out, and Jean had recalled all her childhood memories with her pals. How her friend Dill was unfairly treated by them and one time ended up being scolded by her mom. Returning from Finch's Landing, she saw a black shade like a huge bee passing by, and Henry told her it were Negroes driving dangerously at a high speed, since they were rich enough to buy cars whereas neglected to get licenses and insurance. The next day, Henry had to deal with the scandal happened in the previous evening. Those Negroes in Henry's eyes were the menace of Maycomb.
Jean's aunt, Alexandra, had a strong image of discrimination. From her speech to Jean, she kept reminding Jean that Henry's family was a family with different back ground of hers. The way she expressed it was hateful; by saying a person from a trash family would never become other thing but a trash. She judged Henry by his manner and some trivial matters. I think it is a sin to criticize others in such a mean way, and she didn't even know him well. How dare she be so sure that Henry was a figure that assembled his father and mother? She didn't raised him up, but it was Jean's father Atticus, who raised him up.
Henry, who was the victim of discrimination had made me so disappointed. He describe those Negroes as a menace, whereas not getting more familiar with them before he made his point. The society of Maycomb was really full of injustice, racism and discrimination. A victim not only did not help the people in need, instead, he/she attacked others in the same way, and the vicious just kept going on and on.