Book: Thirteen Reasons
Author: Jay Asher
Page: 1-145

This book is about a student named Clay receiving seven
cassette tapes recorded by Hannah, a classmate that committed suicide weeks
ago. In the seven cassette tapes, Hannah talked about the thirteen people and
thirteen reasons that led to her depression. She also asked the tapes to be
passed between the thirteen people, or a copy of the tape would be made public
by an unnamed classmate. That is, those who receive the cassette tapes are to
blame for Hannah’s death. However, Clay considers himself not so familiar with
Hannah and didn’t do anything that might hurt her feelings, so he is confused
with his receiving the cassette tapes.
So far from what I have read, there are two reasons for
Hannah’s suicide that impressd me a lot. The first one is Alex’s act. He wrote and
passed to the class a “WHO’S HOT / WHO’S NOT” list and ranked Hannah as the
hottest. This act didn’t seem to matter and to be harmful at all. However,
because of this list, a bad boy got an excuse to sexually harass Hannah and
still thought nothing of what he had done to her. Alex must not know that his
unwitting act would bring such outcome and pain to Hannah. When I read this
part, I was impressed because I think many things around us are just like what is
in this event. We may do something we consider trivial, but in the end, it
turns out to be something serious. Although it might not be our original plan, there
is no denying that it should be attributed to our acts or words. Thus, from this
part, I learn we should think carefully about the results it might bring before
uttering a word or doing something.
Another reason of Hannah’s suicide that impressed me most is about
Jessica, the person who was supposed to receive the cassette tapes after Alex.
Jessica and Hannah used to be good friend, but not anymore. In Alex’s “WHO’S HOT
/ WHO’S NOT” list, he put Jessica’s name on the right column, in contrast to
Hannah. What’s worse, there were some untrue rumors about Hannah spreading on
the campus, and Jessica chose to believe them rather than her friend. The two
things contributed to the breaking of friendship between the two girls. In a
severe quarrel, Jessica even slapped Hannah in the face, bringing more hurt to
her. I was very impressed by this part because I once broke with my friend due
to something not-so-important as well. I think it’s a pity that friends quarrel
because of misunderstanding or distrust. If we can trust others more, there
must be less pitiful things like this happening.
So far I think the story in this book is very interesting,
and I can’t wait to know more about the thirteen reasons and what Clay will do
after getting deeper understanding of Hannah’s story.
I can't agree more with" We may do something we consider trivial, but in the end, it turns out to be something serious. "
回覆刪除It's truly a good reason for us to behave appropriately and politely, rather than just do whatever that can make us happy.
I think this topic is quite attractive, and your introduction appeals me to read this novel! I do enjoy the kind of book that can make me think a lot about life!
回覆刪除If my best friend chooses to trust others rather than me, I think I will be totally depressed like Hannah.