2016年9月18日 星期日

My Reading History

Honestly, I do not consider myself as a reader yet. To me, I always want to become a reader. I have tried to read books in the past two years. But until now, it still takes me a lot of time to finish reading a whole book.

I think the reason why reading is so hard for me is because I used to read a bunch of picture and illustrated books. One of my favorite illustrators is 幾米Jimmy. I started to read his books when I was in junior high school or even earlier. Founding myself enjoying his books made me also want to become an illustrator in the future. Most of the time, I only read such kind of books that do not require thinking. Maybe that is why my brain is easy to get tired when I am reading now.

But there was a person that changed me in some way. He was a classmate of mine when I was a sophomore student. He was very different from me. He read many books and had many thoughts in his mind.  At that time, he suggested me to read a book called "Love" by an Indian writer Osho. Osho was also considered as a mystic. I would say this book had a very very huge impact on me. It totally changed the way I had used to think of many things. It was a book of his opinion of love. But what I learned from this book was more than love. I am not saying that this is a good book because some of his thoughts are really controversial. But it is definitely a book that will change your concept.

This book had really broadened my view. I felt like a babe in the woods before. After that, I was very interested in reading books like meditation, yoga, Buddhism, and philosophy. I did not read picture books anymore and started to read something that made me think. I really enjoy exploring new worlds and learning new concepts from books.

Last week, professor was talking about how reading will change the way we see. I totally agree with this because of my experience. I am still on the journey of becoming a good reader. And I hope I can improve day by day.

1 則留言:

  1. It seems quite profound to read books about philosophy or Buddhism, I haven't tried that before! They look really interesting, maybe I will try it next time.
