2016年12月2日 星期五

Log #5

Book: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Page: ~P. 90

Hazel is a girl with thyroid cancer. Her parents took her to Support Group in the hope that she could feel supportive. In there, she met Augustusthe boy with prosthetics totally drew a charm on herand they became so close to each other. They discussed together about Hazel’s favorite book An Imperial Affliction and both fascinated to the puzzling ending. Thus they decided to visit the author to check it out.

  Actually, Hazel hated Support Group because she thought what people there did was sharing their tragedy and taking pity on each other. She intended to escape; on the other hand, she wanted her parents happy. So she went at last, and met Augustus. I have been thinking that it is destiny. We meet many people in our life. Some people would eventually leave at some time while some would stay. It’s so fortunate that a total stranger becomes one of your closest one and you two can share things together.  

  I like Augustus's metaphor. He took cigarette on his month but never lit it. He said it was a metaphor of death, a metaphor that reminded of death. We all need a reminder in our life, to remind us of some important things. I used to have a reminder-a   bracelet-to often reminds me of  persistence. Every time  I felt depressed and wanted to give up, I thought of my bracelet. 

