Me Before You had been a great hit in
both book and movie version, I decided to choose this as my first book for the
semester. This book was talking about a girl called Louisa who worked for Will, a
paralyzed rich man. At the beginning, they disliked each other a lot and didn’t
want to see each other. As time went by, they began to understand that both of
them had their own plight and eventually fell in love with one another.
far from this book, there were two parts that I liked a lot and agree with a lot.
After being paralyzed in an accident, Will told his mother that he wanted to end
his life after six months of trying to live. It was not difficult to know why Will
would have this kind of thought. He used to be so successful, but now he could
only live by depending on other people, which made him really shameful and
desperate about life. If I were Will, I would make the same decision as him
because I didn’t want to become my family’s burden and live so painful.
part that I liked a lot was when Louisa and Will went to an orchestra concert
together. Having been to a concert for the first time, Louisa was so immersed
into the music and said this, “I hadn’t
realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to
somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the air
around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went”. I
totally understood what Louisa was thinking at that moment. Every time when I
was listening to my favorite music, I felt exactly the same way. No matter it
was classical music or pop music, listening to them was like watching the
stories behind the melody or the lyrics. Music had that super power that could
change your mood and it was the best feeling in the world.
I am super excited to see what is going to happen to Will and Louisa in the
rest of the book.
Picture from: http://vanillaslumber.blogspot.tw/2016/04/book-review-me-before-you.html
This will be on my list after I finish reading Percy Jackson <3
回覆刪除When i saw the movie, i thought it's quite romantic. However, my decision will be the same as Will and you because people must die one day. Even though we have loved ones in the world, i still want to be peaceful and die. I believe you may have a good time reading it. Thank you for sharing.