2017年3月21日 星期二

Log #2

 Due to the reason of my group is working on the topic "education", I think it's best to focus on girl's education since not a lot of female get to go to school even in the 21st century. In that case, the most powerful living example will be Malala. I've been reading the book "I'm Malala" lately, and it took more time than I thought it would. With all the details inside this novel, I can learn better about Malala. As I was reading her story, I kept on thinking how lucky I am to be born in Taiwan, and I have my rights to go to school to receive education as a girl. I recalled a time back in my high school when I was having a hard time and going through Depression and other problems that made me unwanted to go to school. Now when I think about it, as I was rejecting school and trying to kill myself, someone out there, a girl who's a few years younger than me, she was hoping to get educated and trying her best to fight against her fate.  In addition, I also watched some of her speeches online, and I was more than surprised with Malala's choice of words: clean, straightforward, simple yet powerful. In fact, most of her speeches are so inspiring and strong that sometimes I replayed the video again and again, and every time I gained new ideas from it. Malala sure is a living example of the victim who does not have to right to have education as a female, and I'm positive that my group can use her story in our project.

