Log #3
Log #3
Topic: Why girls are keeping out of school?
Every girl has a right to go to school. However, about 1% of girls are not having a chance to get educated. From this article, it shows that the six main barriers to girls' education.
1. cost of education
2. distance to school
3. violence at school
4. gender norms
5. poverty
6. early marriage and pregnancy
Those problems could be solve, but it needs a long period of time. I think education empowers the girls to obtain knowledge and confidence. It helps them to improve their living styles and environment around them. Also, education helps a girl to prevent from early marriage and pregancy, and they can be prepared to be mother in the future. Although we all know that education could help those girls, schools and government should also do something to help them. For instance, schools should make sure of the violence-free environment in order to be safe for the girls.
It is hard for us to participate in doing these, but I got a chance to know a plan from Canada, Because I am a Girl. It is a plan dealing with the problems of girls' education from around the world. What I can do for now is to support the organisation where they would put all the effort to unleash the potential of the girls.