2017年3月21日 星期二

Log #3

Recently, I have been so into an American tv series called "Glee". I believe that some of you might have heard of it or even watched it. Funnily enough, the more I watch the series the more I realize the content of the movie is very related to the topic our group is going to raise for the first project, which is Transgender. Even though the movie was all about musical performance and stuff, but if you really are paying an attention, it actually has a lot of moral values for us to grasp.

The story was about a bunch of outcasted students, who find themselves with nothing they are really good at but singing. They are all the victims of discrimination at school just only because they are jews, black, Asian, gay, lesbian, transgender, poor or crippled. During the 4 seasons I have watched so far, I am very excited as if I was growing together with them. They used to be so pessimistic about life, they cared about all the labels people get them, they even lost their real identity on their searching of one. But all I can see at them right now is a whole new individual who is very proud of being who they really are.

There is a conversation inside the movie that punched my heart so bad:

" I don't feel right in the men's locker room, but I can't go into the girls'
and I don't feel right in men's clothing, but I can't wear dresses every day. 
It sucks to never know your place. It feels nice for once to feel like I found one ".  

The point I was trying to make is that label crushes our society. The mental of the teenagers who just might have shine very bright in the future was wrecked because of all the judgments that are bestowed upon them.  Just like in the Transgender case, they didn't have the leisure to be what they want to be or meant to be. I am trying to be rational here. I am a believer of "Everything happens for a reason". And they exist also for a reason.

