Since we are doing a project whose topic is animal abuse, we inevitably are confronted with the issue of "meat paradox." Imagine that you are having pork or steak as dinner, would you feel guilty for killing those animals and make them your food? If yes, that is when meat dilemma happens.
Having read pieces after pieces of news about poaching animals or over-hunting, I find it odd that people condemn poachers for killing animals in the wild but they may not feel guilty for having a tuna sandwich or bacon burger. Should we feel guilty of eating animals?

I don't think so. If human beings don't eat meat, why are we born with a digest system that digests meat well? Also, I think if we are eating those animals that are born, raised, and fed in farms, we should not need to feel ashamed because that keeping a farm is how some people make a living, which, if we dismiss animal husbandry, will lead to the farmers losing jobs. What is really the problem is that those animals suffer tremendous agony when they are slaughtered and during their stay in the farms. So what you actually need to do is NOT stop eating meat and encourage vegetarianism, but improve the way livestock are kept and slaughtered.