Prostitution Should be Legalized
While people keep saying that all professions are regarded equal, there is one profession (a.k.a. the oldest profession) that is deeply stigmatized. It is one of human natures. It is what diminishes sex slaves, sexual violence, and human trafficking. As far as I am concerned, there should be no wrong and no stigmas with earning money with vaginas. Who are to blame are the pimps and the brothels.
According to the article (, the legalization of unforced prostitution can only do us no harm but good. Besides stopping some sorts of crimes related to human rights, it also helps a nation make money and, if implemented with corresponding measures, legalized prostitution can slow down the spread of sex transmitted diseases.
Furthermore, do you know how much money Japanese sex industry earns each year? Sixty billion euros per year according to the statistics of Financial Times.
As female rights are highly advocated today, women should have the right to control their bodies. They should have the right to use their body to earn money to live, just like men using their body to build walls on borders or to load ships and trucks. I hope one day in Taiwan, prostitutes are not discriminated. One day in Taiwan, beautiful girls with brand name bags in hand would not be teased that 鮑鮑換包包. If there is no wrong with this job, it should be legalized.