This week, I have buried myself into finding all kinds of assistance people have put into. Starting at celebrities, I have found that Angelina Jolie is one of the advocates of fighting human sex trafficking. She has been the victims' voice for a long time. She has pled and hoped to raise public attention to the severe problem. One of her powerful speech was delivered when Angelina participated in End Sexual Violence in Conflict summit in London. She urged the world to take immediate action.
Angelina giving a speech at End Sexual Violence in Conflict
There are some specific sentences that made me ponder. She said: They (sex trafficking victims) struggle to keep their children safe and if they admit to being raped, they are likely to face more violence and social rejection. This is quite a lighting stroke on me. Since I have been thinking of how we and I as one part of the world can do to prevent more tragedies from happening. However, I didn't have any ideas until I saw Angelina's speech. I suddenly realized that though I am just a young college student who doesn't have spare money to found an organization which aims to protect women, I can still take advantage of my personal efforts--- sending my concern and love to victims. The society has unconsciously been indifferent to them; there are stereotype and misunderstanding in people's mind that caused they don't want to be others' rescuer. Yet, I'm not saying we ignore them, but sometimes, take me as an example, I used to avoid watching this kind of news because I don't want to know that there are evil while I think most of the earth is full of joy and happiness. However, it is this avoidance that allows the crime to thrive. Also, there are still some people can't easily embrace the victims into our society just due to their past background. As for delivering the inspiring speech, Angelina becomes a lecturer at London School of Economic. Students take the course named Women, Peace and Security, and Angelina is the lecturer. These are being a famous celebrity can do. How about we, the ordinary people?
I have also read a couple of articles reporting that people have stood up to join the fight. There is one article about flight attendants being trained to spot human trafficking. A video introduces a 15-year-old child helping victims of human trafficking. The girl named Anvita designed greeting cards and sell them to benefit the victims. She said that she has been doing this since her sixth grade when she was given the assignment to help the community. I am so surprised what she has done because when I was her age, what I did is definitely not drawing cards(though I'm not good at it) but studying. I didn't do nothing to my community and I guess that is why Taiwanese students lack global vision compared to students in other countries. There may be lots of obscure efforts executed by people worldwide, but I can feel that love bonds us together. By doing small things, we can finish the war against human trafficking. I think it's time for me to make contribution to this world.

Anvita's greeting cards