2017年3月13日 星期一

Log #1

It is known that Isis seizes women as its soldiers’ sex slaves. However, for Yazidi women captured by Isis in an attack in 2014, the trauma they encountered were more than just sex violence. Isis kept them as sex slaves also in an attempt to wipe out this non-Islamic people. Because the Yazidi culture dictates that women forming relationship with non-Yazidis should follow their partner’s religion, Isis took advantage of this and attempted to rape the Yazidis out of existence.

From the article, I learned that Isis routinely kidnaps women and gives them to the “faithful” Isis soldiers. I consider this behavior really ironic and disrespectful. From the act of rewarding “faithful” soldiers, I think Isis values loyalty, cohesion, and self-identity a lot. However, it cannot accept and respect others’ believing in their own culture and self-identity just because others are different from it. Even worse, it wants to wipe out the “different” people and thus does such cruel things as seizing women as sex slaves. I think Isis is really selfish and does not respect others at all.

Although rape as a weapon of war or attack is nothing new, I still consider it really unfair and hurtful to women. This kind of suffering is painful not only physically but even more mentally to a woman. It may also become a lifelong fear haunting someone forever. I really can’t imagine if this happens in my surroundings. I feel very lucky that I live in this relatively peaceful place and hope that more and more women can be free from this suffering.



