2017年3月14日 星期二

Log #2

In the previous log, I proposed the untrue  content that media report. In this log, I would like to mention the problem of exaggerating headlines. 

News agencies like to use shocking, astonishing, and curious headlines to attract the readers, making them continue to read. However, if news agencies go too far, these astonishing headlines may mislead the readers. What's more, some headlines doesn't even correspond to the content. That is, the headline has nothing to do with the content.  The report “UK mosques give cash for terror”  published on The Daily Star Sunday was an exact example of the problem. If you only read the headline, you may be given a impression that the British mosques raised funds for terrorist organization.  However, the whole article was not like that. 
According to the research mentioned in the article"How Headlines Change The Waty We Think", headlines indeed influence the way of people thinking and how we remember the news reports. Therefore, it really needs to think twice when editors or reporters to make the headlines.  

Resources: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/apr/04/daily-star-sunday-uk-mosques-ipso


