2017年3月14日 星期二

Log #2

Image of social media on girls 

Technologies are so well developed that people could just use social media to context one another. People nowadays won't have to use so much effort into meeting people and bonding with each other. They can just send texts or just simply video-call them instead of actually meeting up face to face. Internet and media are efficient but it also creates loneliness. As the article has mentioned " People they peer into the mirror on the screen, because sometimes just naming a feeling as normal can make people feel less alone. So a simple 'I love you exactly as you are' may be more timely than ever." It is never too late to tell and let people know that they , as who they really are, matter more than their appearance. 

Social media affects people in many different ways nowadays. And most importantly, it makes people link their self-worth to their looks. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram; They affect people unconsciously by just seeing how many likes they get on their post and how much attention they can get just for how they look. 

As this phenomenon were created, I felt that people are just trying to gain their confidence through their self-image on social media. There are many Apps online that can photoshop photos and make people look thinner (prettier) in order to help them gain more likes on the post. 

In my opinion, people are just doing so, in order to make themselves feel less lonely and much happier as being accepted by the society. Because this is how our society defines people; basic stereotype that says beauty equals to fitness, whiteness and thinness.  


