2017年3月7日 星期二

Log #1

When we first hear of Transgender, what will be the first impression that pops out in our head?
Strange? Disgusting? Abomination? Illegal?
or in fewer cases, people might think "it is Cool" "It is interesting" "You are no any different"

But, Do we really understand them? Do we really understand what being a Transgender mean?
We, people of the society often misunderstand them. We often push our own beliefs toward them without any intention to stand in their position.
Our opinions often work like a toxic that slowly drag them to the corner without a room to breath. Hence, a lot of transgender prefer to hide from the society. They gradually lose their confidence over time. They lose all rights to live just like other common people.

In my case, I could say that I understand nothing about being a transgender. This term is quite new to me and I have never met them in my life. So I think It would be a good idea if we would be willing to at least understand them. Wouldn't it make the world a little bit better?

So through our project this time, we wish with the information we will gather in the future, with more approaches toward the transgender community. We will have a fresher and a better understanding of their existence.

Link : http://www.advocate.com/commentary/2016/6/08/stopping-suffering-transgender-immigrants

